Meeting Minutes Made Easy

The days of each attendee leaving a meeting with a different set of notes are finally over. With MinuteBase, creating one set of clear, elegant meeting minutes and actions is easy.

Meeting Minutes Editor

Minutes Editor

MinuteBase gives you a meeting minutes editor truly designed for the task. The toolbar at the top of your document makes turning your meeting into headings, minutes, actions and links as easy as styling text.

Speakers & Mentions

MinuteBase lets you include speakers for a transcript style sections of your meetings and include mentions of the people in your MinuteBase account right through the whole application: agendas, meeting minutes and comments. It's as easy as pressing the @ symbol and typing the first few letters of their name.

Minutes Mentions
Minutes Documents

Include Documents & Embed Links

We deal daily with Office files, charts, images and videos in our meetings. MinuteBase lets you collect all the assets you’ve used and put them in context – exactly where they were referred to in a meeting. No more searching file shares and email apps trying to find the sales figures you discussed at your weekly meeting.

MinuteBase embeds links to rich media on other websites directly in the page from video on YouTube, to Slideshare presentations, to snippets of code (gists).

Send for Approval

MinuteBase makes it simple to ask for approval of your meeting's minutes. Each meeting has a panel at the top of the page showing who has read and approved.

Meeting Minutes Approvals